The Story So Far...

Well, there's not much to tell really. You are a shy, flightless bird. You've never liked being watched, and you especially don't like these new heli-cameras that have been flying around lately. But this nest isn't gonna fix itself...

So What Do I Do?

Excellent question. Move around with the arrow keys, and try to bring some sticks back to your nest. But watch out! The heli-cameras tend to swarm right outside the forest. Try to stay out of their sight. (You can see a rectangle on the ground where they're looking.) You don't move too fast, so think ahead and watch your surroundings. It's not the end of the world if they SNAP ya... But you'd be better off without all that attention.

Ok, But Who Made This? And Why?

This is a game made by sophesque for the GMTK 2023 Game Jam (theme: Role Reversal). It was inspired by Pokemon Snap, after a few minutes of wandering around my apartment and looking at my games to try and find something with an interesting "role reversal".

I don't know how much I'll get done for the jam itself (I started late, wasted way too much time not knowing how to rotate a rectangle around a point, and had plans on both Friday and Saturday night), but hopefully I'll have at least a prototype and can work on expanding that if the mood strikes me. I dunno! Stay tuned, I guess!

Why Can't I Just Get Sticks In The Forest?

Uhh... Because... Because have you seen how big that nest is? You've already gotten as much as you can from the forest! Yeah, that's it! You have to venture out so you... don't deforest... your home.

Ok, fine. It's really because I only added the forest as a "safe zone" after I had already made the sticks, and when you're in the last 12 hours of a game jam you just kinda go with what you've got. I'll probably change it to make more sense if I continue development post-jam!

Made withPICO-8


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Very cool game , great idea  good execution. My only problem would be it is too random to run away from cameras.

thanks so much for playing! there’s definitely a lot of randomness involved in this game. i was aiming to give the player an overwhelmed, anxious feeling during play more than a potential to actually avoid all the pictures. buuuuut even then, i agree that it’s super random. chalk it up to a product of the short development time, hehe.

right now i’m going through an online course to build up some more fundamental programming skills, but i may revisit this and try to make it a little more deterministic! i have some ideas, but nothing concrete at the moment. thanks again for playing and commenting :)


Really cool game! Came from GamesOverCoffee, and the game is really hard, wow
Got 9 photos


I got only 3 now! Good sticks in the corner rng

the rng definitely plays a huge role in this! that’s something i’d like to work on minimizing in the future, but for a jam it helped actually finish something, hehe. my best so far is 7!


love this!

hehe, thank you! currently trying to decide whether to expand on this more, or work on a few more prototype ideas first